Saturday, July 27, 2013

Target Sale!!

This year my students will each get 4 composition books. One for math, one for reading/language arts, one for science and one for writing. They will be able to use these composition books to refer to at the end of the year for good ol' testing! Great sale going on at Target! 5 for $3 is a steal!

New to Blogging!

Hi there, my name is Brittany Fogarty. This is my first blog and I am excited to become a part of the blogging community! I am a 5th grade teacher and absolutely love my job! I have been teaching for 3 years and have loved every minute of it. I am getting ready to start my 4th year and am excited to share ideas, lessons, projects, tips, bulletin board decor, etc on this blog. I will do my best to post as often as possible! I am ready to start a new school year!